About Us

Who We Are

We are a small family-owned business that provides fun rides such as electric kick-scooters and electric bikes.

Our Story

Just the Right Thing at Just the  Right Time!

It was a family getaway flop! We were visiting Washington, DC over spring break with the kids. After multiple disappointments and family arguments throughout our trip, we were going to visit the Mall with all the famous historical monuments and go home! However, we were faced with one last challenge. My husband, Bing, suffers from a long-term back injury which makes extended amounts of walking very painful for him. I was ready to call it quits and go home. And then it happened…as we were walking around, we kept noticing people gliding along on electric scooters, taking in the beautiful sites, and having a blast! Immediately, we were on the hunt to find where the five of us could rent some of these amazing scooters. All it took was one ride, and we were hooked. Our miserable trip was redeemed! We still have fond memories of that experience. Finally, it was a way we could all be together, having fun outdoors, doing an activity we all enjoyed. It didn’t stop there. This was a bridge into a whole new world for Bing who was previously limited from taking family bike rides and walks because of his pain. Within days of arriving home, he purchased his own electric scooter to ride and has been in the pursuit of finding the best e-scooters and e-bikes ever since. An experience like this is meant to be shared, so we started offering our scooters to friends and relatives who also fell in love as we did, and thus our business was born!

~ Gina C.

Our Vision

To provide an alternative method of transportation that is both functional and recreational while fostering an appreciation for the outdoors and preserving natural resources.

Our Mission

  • We want to offer a quality and affordable e-ride experience.
  • We want to bring family and friends together to experience adventures in the outdoors.
  • We want to make ordinary work commutes fun and Xzyte-ing!

Check Out Our Xzyte-ing Rides!

Visit our store for more fun rides. We have different types of electric scooters and electric bikes.